Image Reveal A
It seems you are waiting for the mist to clear
Then maybe you can see the wood for the trees
Something in your past needs to be dealt with otherwise it will lay in wait ready to occur when it’s least expected
Have faith that even through the toughest of patches clarity is within you
Stay firm in your convictions and keep your thoughts close until you are certain of what you need to say
Make sure you keep yourself in mind when others make demands of you
Create a space that will give you the time you need to come to your own conclusions x x
Image Reveal B
How great thou art how great thou art 😇
It’s a really good time to be grateful for all you have around you
The peace that resonates from this picture should serve as a guide as to how you soul should feel
If it doesn’t change is needed
A wake up call that tells you change is ok
Watch for the signs that tell you when something feels right
New adventure awaits you , soul search and find what makes you tick
Then allow that adventure to begin
The suns in the sky ready to brighten your way
You need to make your journey count x x
Image Reveal C
Moody blues and reflective thoughts seem present
Whilst a mellow feeling radiates from the picture I also feel that past issues just don’t seem to get resolved amicable and maybe a different approach or choice is needed
A need to feel whole and confident again would be great
So head up deep breaths and glide into your future like the person you wish to be
You have worked hard to overcome adversity so now let’s enjoy the calm path you have created
A ripple effect can make all the difference
So if you smile so will those around you
Pay it forward 🌸