Image Reveal A
This image represents a passion for life that’s waining
A real sense of deflation has been present
However I can see a clearer picture forming right before you
Be observant and take care to enjoy the simpler things and allow the verve for all things great to evolve around you
Watch around a chest issue with yourself or a family member
Health needs to be a priority
Image Reveal B
Take a close look at your activities lately , have you been following direction or freely taking your own path ?
Eyes are watching you adding pressure that really you don’t need
Sometimes it’s ok to take a detour as long as you enjoy the journey
An uplifting mood makes you the perfect person to be around right now 😎
Continue to enjoy every minute of your day ... you deserve it
Image Reveal C
Pure of heart and pure of mind
That is you right now
A lovely feeling of spiritual calm is present
A sense of belonging and understanding your soul purpose
Shall we gather at the river is a song which I can hear whilst writing this
I feel it encourages you to keep socialising and being part of the whole x x