Image Reveal A
This image tells me that despite trying to enjoy your life there seems to be times were you feel an awkwardness maybe not fitting in
With people around you
My suggestion is don’t try
Enjoy being your different self
Dare to enjoy different things
Life is about being happy
Bring some colour in too
A bright vibrant colour will be uplifting energies your way x
Image Reveal B
Standing up for what you believe can be tricky but bring your goals into vision and focus intent on making them happen
New beginnings feel positive around you
A lot of love too
It seems you are a source of help to others and you take pride in that
Stay positive in a crazy world and half the battle is done x
Image Reveal C
Bleak times have hampered you of late and finding a way through seemed hard
But even in our darkest times usually there is hope and I feel that’s what will get you through
A burst of spirit energy is present helping with the transformation needed
It won’t be long before you can let your imagination take flight again
And perhaps fulfil some of the dreams you have x x