Image Reveal A
Such a powerful image of beauty yet loneliness
This image indicates a rethink is needed about all life issues
A sharpened mind is required to navigate your way back from the emptiness felt inside ... beautiful things are people surround you yet still isolate yourself with your inner mind ... focus on the lightness this image portrays and know in your heart you are loved will find a way back , and feel more empowered than ever x x
Image reveal B
It’s seems you are an old hand at listening to others problems and yet the weeds in your own garden seem to get forgotten
This image urges you not to put yourself at the bottom of the care pile and some self care and nurturing is needed
Don’t let things linger until they seem too big to handle, accept a little kindness you deserve it ... your life needs colour bringing into it ... Go on treat yourself x x
Image Reveal C
Same old same old
Routine around you seems monotonous and yet you can’t seem to create change , it feels you lack life’s lustre
Take a seat and allow yourself time to meditate.
See who you are and then who you want to be ...
keep that in your focus as you go about daily tasks and think would the new me do it that way ?
Sometime the smallest things can make the biggest impact
Have faith in yourself you can make the change x x