Image Reveal A
Oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day 🌷🌷🌷
This image shows everything that’s right with the world ... Filled with beautiful colours of hope and inspiration
Breathe in that fresh air and exhale out all the negativity you have stored
Allow the cool still waters of the lakes reflect back to you all that you give out
You have climbed your mountains in the past , and now it’s time to appreciate how far you have come
Look out for those blue skies ahead
Feel the peace and enjoy the community around you
Good things are coming 😇
Image Reveal B
Well well looks like change is happening and I suggest going with the flow
Find yourself doing something you enjoy and look forward to
This image is all about finding fun in such a bland world
When did we stop exploring possibilities
I can sense something will draw on your impulses and you will take the plunge 😁
Use your energy in a productive way
Remembering to set yourself achievable goals
Have fun go barefoot on the grass join in with others
Life is for living !!!
Image Reveal C
Have you heard the saying
We are all different yet still the same ?
Our life choices and paths make us who we are today
The way we communicate ourselves to others is important
First impressions do count
There the doorway to finding out more about one another
I feel a very reflective mood around you at present
Maybe you judged someone wrong
Maybe they judged you wrong ?
But I feel this is more about how you perceive yourself and how you want others to see you
If you come across as strong and independent don’t blame others for not offering to help
Mixed messages bring a whole heap of emotional drama with them
On reflection we can’t change the past , but we can make different choices today that will benefit tommorrow
Try just being yourself
Stand proud of what you are
And remember reflection is good if we learn lessons from it x x