Image Reveal A
You have the key
Do you have the secret
Why are you holding back on the good times ? What’s the fear that stops you connecting the dots to have the best life possible ?
Healing and strength are on there way to you ...
It’s time for you to have what you desire. Come on take a leap of faith x x
Image Reveal B
Seems your love is split in so many places it’s hard to find the time to love yourself
You know people love you but you need to see them put in some effort
Words come easy actions show results
A complicated family network is hard to negotiate but you have the qualities to support and untrue which makes you pretty amazing ...
Take the compliments allow the help and let people show you they care x x
Image Reveal C
So near yet so far ... The thought of loneliness hurts sometimes
Being in a world full of people yet struggling to connect
Life seems a little mundane and ordinary however whilst your heart beats within you , you breathe life into this world itself
Wether standing alone is a choice or a situation you are strong enough to hold it together x
Maybe it’s time to choose a break from the norm and reach out ... x x