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This week it seems life has got so serious

It’s draining and emotionally hard , yet giving in isn’t an option ...

Why not allow yourself an indulgent moment , like eating your favourite chocolate bar

Drinking your favourite wine .. a few simple pleasures may serve to uplift your mood and help in the up hill struggle life seems to be at present.

Allow yourself a dream , set your self new goals and challenges ...

Don’t Let the mundane tasks take over ....

Take some YOU time you deserve it x

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This week it seems you have your head in the clouds and your expectations are far from realistic

Try to centre yourself and focus on reality

It’s all to easy to hope for a fairytale ending however with a little determination you can change your luck and you become part of your own destiny

Only you have to answers to what your heart desires

Take time to make magic happen in your life and those around you x x

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Would you like a Penny to pop in the wishing well ?

It seems life has you giving out far more than receiving,

Which in turn makes you question what is this life all about.

Those that strive and work hard seem to come last in the list of there own priorities

Putting others needs up there first is admirable but sometimes a fools errand

You need to nurture your present and future self to be in the correct head and heart space to help others.

This week May seem bleak but hey

Put the penny in the wishing well and allow your faith and hope in humanity return.

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