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Trying to bring the New Year into focus is proving a little tricky , the bigger picture is not yet clear
Try to take a day at a time instead of becoming overwhelmed at deciding your whole life at once
New beginnings take time and thought
Remember to breathe and take time to plan ... It will pay off eventually x x
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Relationships seem like there hard work at the moment , maybe the honeymoon period is over and the hard work begins.Everyone likes to believe in Happy Ever Afters but no one wants to put in the effort ... sometimes time and space is all that’s required for you to find the right path to choose x
May spirit help guide your decisions x x
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This really is the image of light at the end of the tunnel .
It seems that unsettled feeling you carry needs bringing to light and addressing. You have trod the same ground many times and are still unsatisfied.
This time tread your steps carefully and learn from past experiences ... Think of a happy future and make it happen x x