Image Reveal A
Sometimes when your head is in the clouds you can be easily distracted from things that need attending to around you .
The downward slope you have felt of late may come from the feeling you are being watched / Judged and can’t do right from wrong
A deep seated envy is around you and whilst you want change it’s never easy
However I feel a new sense of confidence around you
Which means not letting what others think get you down
Stay strong and keep trying as movement in this situation is coming x
Image Reveal B
Oooo you have seen some hard times and yet you bounced back time after time
Rejuvenation is your thing
Making new starts when required , a bump in the road has become second nature to you
You always believe in keep going that every one deserves a second Chance
You are quite versatile and enjoy projects and adventures
Maybe it’s time to get your teeth something you have been thinking about for a while x
Image Reveal C
The hills are alive with the sound of music lol
You must love your own company but like to know loved ones are near , you take comfort in being self sufficient never wanting to ask for help and very belligerent in taking it !
In your life you always had what you needed to sustain but somehow now and again there wasn’t always clear skies for you x
Darker clouds have now passed and your message is
You are not an island you need company to keep you sane
However it’s well within your rights to create some You time too
Now is the perfect time to be thankful and create new memories x