Image Reveal A
The stars shine bright upon you x x
Radiating with the light the tree stands out to be see in all it’s beautiful glory , just like you this Christmas ...
You are central and key to the people around you , even pets
Your spirit loved ones admire your strength and courage
Stand strong and know you are loved x x
Image reveal B
Them iced winds can be harsh around you , let’s others freeze and you come in from the cold ... Stand alone elegant and strong , show others that you alone are enough to withstand any storm
Your beauty comes from within and Spirit are silently behind you every step in life’s journey ...
Image reveal C
O Holy night ...
Memories of Christmas gone by seem to resinate around you ... please remember the good times you shared
Embrace the thoughts that you in turn are creating memories for the younger generations around you x
Be the reason they smile , give them inspiration and yet stability .... For you that’s the spirit of Christmas
Merry Christmas Everyone x x