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Image A

I know life’s not dealt you the best hand of late, and it has been one thing after another to deal with but I feel it’s all about to change. I feel abundance moving into your life. I feel it’s all the little things that will start to go right for you,and the pieces of the puzzle, that we call life, will all start to fit into place.

Keep a positive mind and be thankful for all the little wins no matter how small, these little wins are all movement in the right direction.

Image B

With this image I feel It’s time to start concentrating on you. You are moving at a hundred miles an hour and doing everything for everyone but yourself. This is a reminder that you are only human and there is only so much one person can do alone. So many people take you for granted and show little appreciation in return for all you do. I feel your about to burn out, please take some time out while you have the choice to do so. I know we don’t always have the chance to take a breather but in your case I feel it’s a must, I’m sure there is someone that can cover for you and ‘your duties’ for a couple of hours whilst your much needed recuperation takes place.

Image C

If you picked image C I want to bring healing and love around you right now, I feel there has either been heart ache or physical/mental pain that you are enduring at the moment. Please know your loved ones in spirit are bringing this healing towards you and there is so much love around you to assist you and to help ease the burden.

Take a moment to think about some of the wonderful times you shared with your loved ones clear your mind to feel and sense them around you.

I feel your loved ones are needed for important guidance throughout the next few months. When you really feel like you need advice or help ask and you will receive. 💜

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Sue Alflat
Sue Alflat
May 02, 2020

I chose A and it was so true xx Thankyou x

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